Monday, April 28, 2008

Winter Wonderland!

Chad and I are on his semester break right now and we chose to go to Alberta, Canada to spend time with my family. I came up a week early while Chad had finals and arrived to a lovely surprise of a snow storm so the flights to Calgary from Vancouver were cancelled and I ended up having a layover of 8 hrs instead of 1.5! I finally arrived to Calgary where my mom picked me up. Chad came a week after me and a snow storm welcomed him also but at least his flight wasn't cancelled! I'm beginning to think the snow follows me because everytime I have a layover it's due to some kind of icy or snowy condition. Needless to say, I don't have much luck with layover's! I'm just glad that there is no possible way the snow will come to Vegas although it does seem to taunt me when it has a chance! Oh well, this may sound crazy but after living in Vegas for 1.5 years I happen to love any weather even if it is 3 feet of snow all in one day! You can't beat living in a place with seasons... Vegas just does not have that wonderful feature! Here are some pics of how much snow came to us in just a few days...

It doesn't usually snow in April in Alberta (and certainly not this much) but it can definitely happen. You can't really go by the forecast because it changes so quickly! This snow storm lasted for about a week!!! It's nice to finally see the sun! Today it is 17 C (65 F) so we are finally able to start enjoying some time outside! All this snow melted in only a day!

Chad was excited to come up here and build a fire thinking it would be cold... he got his wish! There's nothing like sitting in front of a hot fire while there's a snow storm!
We are really enjoying our time here visiting friends and family. We are getting more and more excited to move here after Chad graduates. The weather isn't as warm here as in the states but everything else we enjoy here makes up for it. We aren't much for city people so we're excited to leave Vegas but in the meantime, we are having a good time there.

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