Friday, January 30, 2009

2nd Lieutenant Aitken

Dr. Ancajas swearing Chad in.
As of Friday, January 30th, I (Chad again) am officially a member of the Nevada National Guard. While in school I get paid as if I were on active duty to go to school while only going to drill one weekend a month (16 hours of work). We also get full insurance benefits and a bit of tuition reimbursement. After school, I continue drilling one weekend a month (ya it may be a little inconvenient at times but the benefits are worth it). ECheck Spellingach year after school the National Guard will disburse $25,000 as a bonus. There is a small risk of being deployed for 90 days but only 15% of dentists in the National Guard have been deployed since 2001. I am excited for the opportunity to serve my country and I am excited that my country wants to make our (Mandy and I) lives a lot easier while in school.


Aubrey said...

Hi Mandylee, I can't leave comments on the blog because I'm not a registered user, but I thought I'd let you know that it's at 10:30 AM. Please feel free to email me for directions. I'm so excited to get together again. If this time doesn't work for you, let me know what your schedule is like and I'll try to make it so that everyone who wants to can be there for the one I'm planning in March. Hope to see you soon!

Anonymous said...

aaaahhhh...that's so cool! congrats i'll pray no deployment....just a PSC over here right? haha miss you and hope everything is going great. I'm keeping you in my prayers for a little one!
